Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Revelation = VITAL!

These past few days have been quite spiritually rewarding. To start off we had a special visit from Elder Pearson of the Seventy. He came to get an update on the online proselyting work that is being done. We each stated our name, how long we have been an online missionary, what we have seen work so far, what we would like to see change, so on and so forth. We each shared ideas and it turned into a wonderful discussion. Elder Pearson closed with his own remarks about us being a special mission. We have been given opportunities other mission areas do not have. We have the internet as another source of missionary work and even more so the availablity of the historical sites, where both God and His Son appeared to Joseph Smith. What a privilage to be here!

He then directed his remarks towards how the Holy Ghost and revelation cannot be seperated. For example, we as missionaries desire those that we teach to repent, to change their lives around. As they do so they are given the amazing experience of having the Holy Ghost near. Why do we want them to have the Holy Ghost near, so that the doors of revelation are opened to them, they recieve answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. He expoounded much more on this subject and it blew me away. We desire the Holy Ghost, not just to "feel good", we desire it because we unknowingly want personal revelation. We know that when the Holy Ghost is with us we have a sense of being whole, problems seem to "fix themselves" or "coincedences" seem to happen. But they are not coincedences, it is you acting upon the still small promptings of the Spirit.

He said many more things that are too personal to mention, but I could feel his spirit and sincerity. I know he is disciple of Christ. He was inspired and in tune with the Holy Ghost to be able to recieve the revelation that we needed at that time. Not only from that experience have I been spiritually fed but also from today and also (happily awaiting) tomorrows Zone Conferences with our Mission President, President Christianson. What an inspired servant of the Lord. He discussed about recieving revelation through church attendance. We take part in the sacrament and renew promises to God, which is to be more like His Son in word and deed. What is VITAL to those that attend church for the first time or for those coming back to church after not having attended for a time is the geniune love of the members of the church. We need to care for one another to ensure that not only the person you befriend but you as well have a meaningful and spiritually filled Sunday. This is nothing new. We have all taken on the promise to be examples of the Savior. What a wonderful past few days and I cannot wait to be even more stuffed with inspiration tomorrow!


  1. amen and amen. Sounds like a good zc, I agree wtih everything! I really have noticed small and clear direction coming while I go to church, also I could feel the spirit while reading this, The spirit is real and very comforting to have as a comp!

  2. I agree! The Lord speaks to us when we emerse ourselves in His spirit. I received an answer to my prayer about serving a mission by attending my church meetings, the temple is also a wonderful place to seek revelation.
